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What Do We Mean by the Term Vintage?

Living “Vintage” is so much more than just the style of one’s wardrobe. It is embracing a mindset and way of life that is based in history - a history of tradition, a family history, and a cultural history.

On this website, we explore all things VINTAGE. Through our travels, we will peer into and examine the way of life during different eras. You will see the exquisite architecture of turn-of-the-century churches and historical hotels, and get a sense of the rustic feel of a log homestead. You may even discover through the posts on this site, that some chores are completed more effectively when performed by “old school” methods.

It is through this labor of love that we hope to preserve true vintage traditions, passing them on to others to learn about and appreciate. You never know - you may get in touch with your own “old soul.”

It all begins with saying, “Let’s…”

Join us for Another Vintage Day!

 Are you ready to learn more about the vintage life?

“Yes! Let’s learn what this is all about.”

Start with My Vintage Story.